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Rick (he/him)




Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Rule of Cool

About me

Player: 31 Years DM: 29 Years Building Galeal: 20 Years System: PF2E Worldbuilder, Storyteller, Epic Fantasy, Tactical Combat, Streamer I don't run DM vs. Player, instead I'm your biggest fan and #1 supporter but the world I built for you is incredibly deadly.

GM Style

I love to do character voices, but I'm by no means a master vocal actor; I enjoy a good crunchy combat, but I don't think they're necessary every session and since I like larger groups (5-7) they often take a long time, even when flowing well. I give my players a lot of leeway in rulings, and every chance to succeed, but the world I have built is harsh and unforgiving and character death is never off the table. I welcome powerful builds, as long as it's on a character that plays well with the party! I'm pretty good with Foundry operations, but still fairly new and I have not yet unlocked it's full potential for visual and audible splendor. My view of the entire genre is a group of friends getting together and telling a helluva story; we have magic for fun and rules for fairness, but the less they get in the way the better.

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