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1 year on StartPlaying

19 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, Creativity

About me

Hey there! I absolutely love immersing myself in the worlds of creativity and imagination. Acting, music, singing, improv, mythology, video games, and whiskey are all things that bring me so much joy. But you know what really gets my excitement levels soaring? Game-mastering! It's my true passion. Being a Game Master allows me to be a part of incredible stories that unfold at the gaming table and beyond. There's nothing quite like witnessing shy players embrace role-playing, clever players come up with brilliant strategies, and experienced veterans completely surprise me with their cunning. I find genuine happiness in helping people explore their visions and learn new gaming systems, and I adore planting the seeds of ideas that bloom into beautiful adventures during our weeks and months of gameplay. I've been DMing and playing TTRPGs for a solid five years now, ranging from D&D 4th Edition to Call of Cthulhu. But what truly sets my heart on fire are my homebrew one-shots. Oh, they're a blast! Picture this: time-traveling to the Forbidden City with Mulan, fighting off jiangshi to save the emperor. It's received rave reviews, and I'd be delighted to tell you more about it if you're interested! Now, here's the thing about me: I'm a mix of improvisation and careful planning. It may sound contradictory, but trust me, it works wonders. I like laying a strong foundation that allows my players to freely create their own stories while still leaving room for spontaneous twists and turns. My most significant homebrew campaign for 5e, for instance, took nearly a year of planning, but I took inspiration from my notes and improvised to ensure my players' story unfolded exactly as they wanted it to. But let me tell you, I once ran a three-hour session off just a single paragraph of text. It was quite the adventure, but I've learned my lesson and won't be doing that again. Lesson learned! On the whole, I'm an imaginative, creative, and sometimes absent-minded professor type. But one thing I'm absolutely certain about is my eagerness to help you tell your next incredible story or introduce you to a new TTRPG system to fall head over heels in love with. So, how about we embark on a journey together? Let's explore a world of wonder and imagination where judgment and expectations have no place. I can't wait to see what we can create when we put our minds together!

GM style

Hey there! I want to make learning things as easy and enjoyable as possible for you. My goal is for you to have a good time and get into the swing of things quickly. I absolutely love spinning lore, whether it's from an official adventure or my own imaginative creation. Creating a rich and immersive story is something I truly enjoy. When it comes to running the game, I don't limit myself to just following notes. I like to bring an element of improvisation into the mix. Sometimes the best moments happen when we just go with the flow and see what sticks! One of my favorite aspects of playing tabletop RPGs is the roleplaying. I genuinely love when players get into character and immerse themselves in the game world. Feel free to spend time interacting with quirky NPCs or getting to know your party members better. After all, this is your world, so let loose and have fun! Combat is another area where I like to have a blast. I particularly enjoy tactical encounters, especially in 5e. Don't worry, I won't throw a dragon at you if you're still new to the game. But as you gain more experience, the challenges will ramp up (unless you prefer a different approach, I'm flexible). I have a knack for funny voices and accents. Anything from a gruff dwarf to a melodramatic bard, I'll bring life to the characters in our game. Sometimes it fits perfectly, and other times it's just downright hilarious! Planning is also a strength of mine. I'll take your ideas and work on crafting a campaign that ideally spans multiple sessions. No need to worry though, I won't set everything in stone. Flexibility is key, and together we can shape the direction of our adventure. Lastly, I firmly believe in the rule of cool. If a particular action or idea is super cool or fits your character perfectly, I'm all for it. Sometimes we can bend the rules a bit to add that extra touch of awesome to our game. So, are you ready to embark on an epic adventure? Let's dive in and have some fun!

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters
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