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Women/Femme Identifying

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I am an outgoing dungeon master with seven years of experience. I love to tell great stories with other people. I want my players not only to have a great time, but also to make sure they have a memorable experience to talk about for years to come. My table is very relaxed as far as the playstyle is concerned, but I am a stickler for rules. With my background in theatre and improv I feel I am very ready for most anything that gets thrown at me, but you are still welcome to try to throw me for a loop. I love this game and I hope that any player that plays with me experienced or no comes to love it with me.

GM Style

I am a fiend for roleplay. I thrive on it. I know some people aren't on the same level acting-wise as others, but I appreciate it when everyone tries and I try to coax it out of everyone. I also love it when my players can outsmart the situation I have put them in. I sincerely hope that some players can outsmart me on occasion and have me as surprised as the NPCs. I will also try my hardest not to kill you, but sometimes players are incredibly stupid and even after several warnings in and out of character they continue on anyway. It's just their time I guess!

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