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2 years on StartPlaying

About me

Howdy guys, My name is Pug or as some of my older friends know me Ozzy. Ive been playing various tabletop games since i was about 10 years old when my dad first introduced me to dungeons and dragons and also a star wars table top game. I was enthralled by the story one of his friends told as the GM and how every detail he threw out painted the scene perfectly. Eventually when i got to college i decided to try my hand at GMing and have been doing it ever since. Im about 6 years into the role and have played all kinds of games in various genres, I RP in various games and love when my players tell a story with their character. I strongly encourage players to want alone time and progress THEIR story and role in the game outside of the groups normal objectives. Im looking forward to meet some of yall and look forward to creating story with you!

GM Style

First and foremost I think RP is king in tabletop games, even when doing a dungeon crawl style of game if there is solid RP to get past an encounter without a fight then I will roll with it 9 out of 10 times. Immersion is king to me and I try to make sure the players know the world around them is alive and moving. While the party of hero's does things to oppose the "bbeg" they are making moves of their own. The world is meant to be dangerous and ever changing, i feel the players deserve to know about events going on. That being said Combat is one of the corner stones of many games I run. I have a unique style of combat encounters where most of the time there is a chance of injury or other things to players where tactics aren't 100% necessary. Then when its not expected a large important fight will be thrown on the party suddenly forcing them to react accordingly.

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