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The Professional Slacker

3 years on StartPlaying

108 games hosted

About me

Hello! I've been playing Table Top Role Playing Games (TTRPG) since around 2017-2018 and have been a Dungeon Master (DM) since, roughly, 2019. I began as a player in a still ongoing online Pathfinder game and my first Dungeon Master experience was for a group of coworkers and friends in my local area running Dungeons and Dragons. Being a player in my Pathfinder group has allowed me to continue improving my character design and role playing skills. Since I began Dungeon Mastering I have been the Forever DM and have had almost weekly games since. There have been a couple breaks lasting about a month during these last few years and I've continued to steadily grow more confident and develop my interpersonal/problem solving skills. At this point I believe in my ability to provide a fun and fair game for a variety of people. I've ran three campaigns, first was from 3rd to 8th level (ended with a TPK cause the party wanted it to be meat grinder), second was 1st to 6th (ended since I was giving our Pathfinder GM a break and he was ready again), third started at 1st level and the players are 5th-6th levels and still ongoing! I've also tried a few different styles based on what my players have asked of me ranging from a meat-grinder campaign, to a campaign featuring a linear story, to even a West Marches (lite) style with four/five players. My smallest group I've ran for was three players ranging all the way to five and even six on occasion. My ability range on group size is all the way from one to six players. I'm most comfortable running for three to five players. Anything past that players will need to give me a little slack, ya know? A couple of groups I've DM'd for were complete opposites on the spectrum of TTRPG players, one took the story seriously, they tried to do the voices, and really dug into their characters, and learned the classes/spells. The other group got distracted easily, almost never speak in character, and often forget what their class abilities can do. I don't have an issue with either type of play because at the end of the day the its up to the players to decide what kind of game they want! As a Dungeon Master I believe its my job to facilitate the fun of the players in a structured environment that everyone has a say in.

GM Style

I have a fairly flexible style that can adjust to what the players want. I use Roll20 for setting up the visuals and discord for audio alas the only thing I can do for your other senses is describe things and let you rely on your imagination for it. Most of my campaigns are a player driven. What do I mean by this? I put stories and adventures in front my players and its up to them to decide whether or not to pursue them. If you decide you'd rather try to start a kingdom than deal with cultists trying to summon a demon? Go for it! I design the world and put story hooks in it but you're free to do what you like. I try to keep the world feeling alive and verisimilitude intact so if you ignore those cultists its possible someone else takes cares of it. Maybe not. I run a homebrew setting using the gods of the Forgotten Realms, I've recently started using rules from Pathfinder for item making (cause making items in 5e sucks and I have an artificer in my home game who wants to make things), I do allow most Unearthed Arcana, not so much homebrew unless its like Matt Mercer or Matt Colville. I also like to throw in adjusted spells/items from 3.5 as rare rewards if I think it works with your character. I mean if there are ancient civilizations why not spells and items lost to time? My leniency about rules is based on the group/style of the game. Am I going to track encumbrance in a normal game? Probably not so much but if you're asking for a dungeon crawl heavy game full of traps, danger, and reward? I probably will because what character is going to be able to carry over 100,000 copper pieces (which is over 2,000 pounds) from a dragon hoard back to a city? Maybe a Goliath Barbarian actually... In most cases a situation like that will be hand-waved and I'll just tell you that you found 1,000 gold pieces and let the adventure continue but its all based on how crunchy you want the game! Over all my style is fairly easy going and can be tailored to what you need/want in a game. If you have any questions feel free to shoot them my way!

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