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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Being a newer DM to the scene, I have so many stories to tell and events to present my players. I usually have a structure for each of my sessions, preparing things bit by bit before session time and going from there with each story beat. I have learned well from the pros and cons of improv and use it well to keep things interesting and engaging for all my players. Despite me only playing D&D 5e, I wish to extend my horizons to other games that I have access to and/or are interesting to me. No matter what the system, I prefer the rule of cool in situations often. I love to work with my player to make sure their character abilities and backstories are put to use in the world they are part of. We are all here to have a great time after all! From module games to future Homebrew plans, I hope whatever I bring to the table you enjoy fully and hope to come back for the next session!

GM Style

Despite me being a new DM (around a year of consistent DMing), my experience and relationships with some amazing DMs in my life made me the DM I am today. I have quite a skill with improv in situations needed, while on the other hand have many docs of planning and ideas for many games. Though all games I have currently going on are mainly modules, I have ongoing and exciting plans for upcoming games with complete homebrew settings. I am usually rather nice and relaxed when it comes to games, and I try my best to resolve problems in the best possible way. I love to work with players' characters and backstories, finding ways to twist and tie points together for a surprise after surprise! As of when I am writing this, I am very experienced and a lover of Roleplay and interacting with the world, while still not as strong in the combat side of things but that grows each session I run. I want to make sure players have a reason that their characters do what they do and have all the freedom to make the choices they want with what I put in front of them.

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