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Sylvester The Mothman ( PatchyPines )

Sylvester The Mothman ( PatchyPines ) (any/all)



Women/Femme Identifying
Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling

About me

Hey there! I've been playing in and running campaigns since 2006 and to this day I still am. My starting games were extremely supportive and a fantastic learning experience so I want to ensure to pass on that legacy. Aside from being a local cryptid, I'm an artist who enjoys drawing out new and wild ideas, sewing, and stuffing my face into some obscure 1800's book. I'm a really down to earth and laidback individual who loves running and playing TTRPG's. I'll be running only fully custom original stories and settings either in D&D 5e, Risus, Kids on Bikes/Kids on Brooms, and Ghostbusters RPG settings with my own Homebrew twist on the systems. I want TTRPG's to be something that anyone of all ages and disabilities will be able to enjoy who are new and old to the scene. All of my games are LGBTQIA+ friendly, and beginner friendly. I include disability representation, as well as plenty of representation across the gender spectrum and the neurodivergent spectrum. Let's sit together and get a character sheet fleshed out! I can't wait to see what stories we'll make together.

GM Style

When I GM, I tend to run heavy roleplay-based campaigns with the players in mind using the Rule of Cool and really enjoy mixes of fun slice-of-life aspects and am supportive of heavy homebrewing. Combat is optional in my campaigns where I like to give realistic situations for my players, I'm not a fan of railroading, and I always give my players multiple options and paths they can go down. I run stuff with a lot of improv as my DMing style where anything you do can and probably will happen, with enough willpower and your own creativity to guide you. I am very communication-driven, disabled-friendly, and new-player supportive who wants to ensure everyone has a voice at the table and gets an equal chance with character development. Do you want to ductape a goblin to some firecrackers for an event? Go get em' tiger.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.