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Other Dave (he/him)
4 years on StartPlaying
About me
The thing I love doing most in life (aside from that one other thing) is running games. From High Fantasy Dungeon Crawls to Political Trade Disputes in Far-Away Space, I've been a fan of playing - and running - rpgs since I bought my first game back in the 80's. I enjoy running goofy one-shots (Scooby Fhtagn!, anyone?), and moody, personal horror, and just about everything in between. When I was podcasting (Dice for Brains & Not Another Tavern), our focus was on bringing new people to the gaming table, and creating inclusive environments where everyone can have fun and tell great stories together; so I'd like to continue down that path.
GM Style
I absolutely would not be doing this if I didn't love roleplay. I don't know if I'm great with character voices or just so bad it keeps it entertaining. I do try to make sure you know who you're talking to, however. I can play crunchy combat games, and am willing to dip my toe in the tactical combat water, but my preference for Vampire and other World of Darkness games makes me less inclined to be combat-heavy. When it comes up, I am not at all a fan of protracted, drawn out combat scenarios, unless they are specifically tied to the story we're telling.
Games played
Game platforms used
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