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Old Socks

2 years on StartPlaying

17 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

About me

I am 47 years young and have been playing some form of tabletop or another since I was 13, almost always as the DM. Over the last 3-4 years I have been focused mostly on 5e and am loving every minute of it!

GM style

I am very adaptable based on the players around my table. Typically, I normally try to have one "tense" encounter per session. This can be pure combat, perhaps puzzle or intrigue focused, or even just a good ol' "Tombstone" style standoff. I have many NPCs for players to interact with and am very good at giving them distinct personalities. That being said, I absolutely love to get my players to interact with each other as much as they do my NPCs and the world I am running. That group dynamic can help the characters form bonds with each other and the personalities they play. For my actual playstyle, I tend to focus on a "grittier" style of play. Setting up some table rules that are non-game breaking, but offer more of a challenge for player characters. This, in my experience, helps to encourage the teamwork and lends to that group dynamic important to roleplay. Almost all of my dice rolls are public so players know that I don't pull punches. They can see and react to the level of danger that is present for them. I hope this gives a little insight (roll and insight check!) into my style and I am looking forward to making new friends!

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