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Ockraven (Global Operations Director)

Ockraven (Global Operations Director) (n/a)



1 year on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Rule of Cool

About me

20+ years DMing experience, DGBA Larper for 10+ years. I started with MERPS and the Rolemaster system, as a DM, while playing in a AD&D game. I have DMed Rifts, AD&D, Tales from the Floating Vagabond, Cyberpunk, DnD 5e, and the amount of systems I have played in over the decades is more than double this list. I love TTRPGs, I stream them on my own Channel,, and Runner's Rise. I am a Homebrew experienced DM, from a Gygaxian era. If you are interested in playing Cyberpunk Red, from a person who played 2020 and loved it, then choomba your in for a ride. My goal is to bring the Science, power fantasy, and style of the Golden Cyberpunk era, with the more dystopian fiction of Red. Through this process, the focus is on player engagement and enjoyment. After all, its your world to play in, I'm just the Global Operations Director in charge of it. Your choices, decisions, and planning will have a effect on the Living world, I have created for you all. No matter what games you play, with whatever DM you choose, I hope you enjoy your table top role playing time.

GM Style

I am a DM that believe the best sessions come from player engagement and player enjoyment. I am a Homebrew enthusiasts, and not a rules lawyer. I do run a deadlier cyberpunk world that most, however, I also run a world that makes sense, and more founded in the Science, and not the Fi. I am great with new players, and experienced players alike. I want a safe environment for all, as we are all trying to do the same thing. Throw some dice, and escape into Roleplaying for a few hours.

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