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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I've been playing D&D, off and on since 1978. I played AD&D rules beginning in grade school, and my interest peaked while in college, before TSR games was acquired by WotC. My career, and later raising a family, left little time for RPGs, until my son began to express an interest. We tooled up for 5e a couple of years ago and now I find myself more interested than my son. I remain hopeful that he'll join me more as he gets older.

GM style

The most important aspect of game play to me is that everyone is having fun. I am not as accomplished at role playing as I would like to be but I do really enjoy players who bring that to the game. Monsters and other enemy combatants in my games are more than a stat block and tend to use shrewd tactics when appropriate. I prefer a game with a nice balance of roleplaying, combat and puzzle solving. Too much of any of these can become tedious. We will use Discord for voice chat only, as I find video chat to be more of a distraction than anything. You will use DnDBeyond for your character sheet, and a modern web browser to view the EncounterPlus VTT. If you are willing to install a browser extension, that helps move things along by sending character sheet clicks to the VTT as dice rolls. It's ok if you've never heard of EncounterPlus, it's learning curve is simple and intuitive. I would hope players gain some familiarity with Discord [] and DnDBeyond [] though. At minimum, create login accounts, and attempt to learn the basics of each.

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