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Women/Femme Identifying

3 years on StartPlaying

706 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

Average response time: 4 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

Hi folks! I'm a geeky gamer mom who loves a good story. I run wholesome, accessible, PG-13 games from a variety of systems. I prefer fantasy and horror settings and love to run a good mystery or heist. Players under 18 are permitted at my tables if an adult family member is also playing and the rest of the table agrees. Please talk to me ahead of time about this. I am committed to making my games accessible! Please let me know what your needs are and I will do my very best to accommodate them. What I provide for my players: * Interesting stories, challenging puzzles, and complex NPCs. Every encounter has multiple possible outcomes and every choice affects the world. * A PG-13, Safe for Work experience that embraces diversity. * Gaming customized to your needs and communication requirements. * Smaller groups: Four of five is my sweet spot. * Google docs setting guides and campaign notes for reference during and between sessions. * The whole group can roleplay, chat and share information between games via our private Discord channel on my Discord server. What I expect from my players: * Please read the materials I provide to ensure you are signing up for the experience you want. * Create a character that will be fun for other players to play with and who fits into the story and the setting. * Cooperate with your fellow players. * Show up on time, ready to play, or notify me well in advance. * Be polite, compassionate, and kind to your fellow players and to me. Allow others to finish speaking before interrupting and allow others to answer questions directed to them, rather than answering for them. Mute your mic when someone else is speaking. * If someone asks you to stop doing the thing; Stop. Do not argue or try to convince them they are wrong. * Sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, and racism are not okay. They may occur in the world of the game, but they will be viewed in a negative light by civilized people- A problem to be fought. * Do not talk about real-life politics or religion at my table. * Please tell me if you have any issues, in character or out of character, that are interfering with your enjoyment of the game or your ability to attend. I might be able to help. * You do not have to roleplay in the first person. You do not have to voice act. You should, however, try to be inside your character's head, not your own. Please let me know if you have trouble with this. I can help.

GM style

* I like to play by the rules as written, but I do add to them sometimes. My table rules are well-documented on my website at * I would never kill a character on purpose, but I don't hold back either. * I expect the characters in my games to fit the setting because I am always thinking of ways to work them into the setting and the story. * I have very little interest in how powerful a character is. I am more interested in the story and how they fit into the world. It's more fun to use creative problem-solving and teamwork than to just be the biggest and baddest. * My D&D5e games are exclusively in the Forgotten Realms. While we do visit other realms on occasion and by accident, all characters should be from the Forgotten Realms to start. * I do not tolerate bullying, real-life politics or religion, excessive swearing, or derogatory language at my table. * I love to use sound effects and music. I make my husband create custom music for me sometimes. Rules are negotiable for private custom games but not for public games.


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