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Cost Per Player


MB141 (he/him)

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Highly experienced PF2e GM with a focus on high-quality VTT experiences. Groups of 3, or 4 at most. Not 5, and certainly not 6 - most GMs want 5 or 6 to maximise their income, and you'll spend more time idle in roleplaying, and in combat. I run APs for 3 so each person is proportionally more important. Adventures for 3 or 4, preferably 3. Teamwork is important. Character builds are more important. Tactics are more important. Each character gets more focus, more story integration. For games expect: 1) A range of game types. Not everyone can commit to 6-12 months to run an AP. Sometimes you or I might have one evening free at most, and want to play some Pathfinder. 2) Sensible set-ups. I'm not offering free archetype + ancestral paragon, dual class overpowered character type games. Uncommon and especially rare content is tagged as such for a reason! 3) Not to see a session 0. I don't want to charge you for a session 0 that can take place over Discord in the run up to session 1, and I don't want to spend a 'session' carrying this out then have to wait a week for the actual session 1. For sessions expect: 1) Typically 3 hours maximum. Not everyone can sit for 4-6 hours at once - we have partners, families, jobs etc. 2) Remade, higher quality maps 3) Additional maps for locations that didn't have maps provided originally. Maps for new segments, homebrewed additions, and character story advancements 4) Music, both background and situational 5) Sound effects and animations for spells and abilities from skilled Patreon creators 6) Development, for when you find that story-specific buff or magic item. What I provide: 1) AWS-hosted Foundry with 500+ Mbps upload speed - you won't be getting any lag from me. 2) Permanently available from a domain name. Want to experiment with your character? Retrain a feat or two before the session? Update your spellbook? Log in whenever you like. 3) Discord server where roles will ensure you're in the right channel. 4) Years of knowledge of Foundry (0.5x early adopter), years of knowledge of the PF2e Foundry system. 5) Premium PF2e content where it exists. I buy premium modules from Paizo for the newer content that I run, and will continue to do so. What I want from you: 1) You get out of TTRPGs what you put in. I want engaged players who want to participate. 2) A little bit of effort. Go and make your character in HeroForge rather than picking the first vaguely-similar image from page 1 of google images. Learn your character's abilities so other people don't have to wait while you do it mid-encounter. 3) Be communicative. Quiet players help no-one, not me, not your party. I don't use a webcam and I don't expect/need/want you to, but you do need a microphone and the willingness to use it - constantly.

GM Style

I focus my games on integration and advancement. Integration - character into story, story into character. I'll adapt my stories to your characters, just as you naturally adapt your characters into the story as you level up. Players who reach into the story will find it molds to them. Do you kill all the jailers in that dungeon? Their allies will increasingly fight to the death knowing you take no prisoners and spare no lives. Pull your punches, roll with non-lethal penalties? They might be more likely to surrender if they know you're going to accept it. Have a specific lore skill and encounter a mindless beast with that trait? Your recall knowledge check will be a little easier, and the outcomes a little broader if you succeed. Advancement - players who work with me to grow their character's story will be rewarded with material and time to do that. Your Patron not providing enough for you? Want to switch? I'll make that happen, and I'll provide new maps and story to do it. Encounter a weaponmaster on your travels and find yourself impressed by his skill with a spear? You'll get the chance to learn from him, modifying your character as you see fit. Called on the local Hellknights for help? They don't grant their help for free, they'll be calling on you in return soon enough. Combat will absolutely be a focus - but it's not going to be a chore. 10+ rounds of combat is a drag, I'll make sure that doesn't happen.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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