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Ludus Dominus
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

38 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

About me

I have been running and playing games since the late 1900's. TTRPG's provide an entertainment that will never be able to be replaced, and provides an experience which can not be found anywhere else. I always try to be fair but my main mission is to make sure everyone is always having as much fun as I am.

GM style

My preferred games are ones that provide an atmosphere where the risk is real and the consequences of action aids in creating a world of weighted realism. I like the grit, suspense, and a sense of realism enough, to provide games where players could run amuck but still feel like the world is tangible, real, and where though they can try, it may not weigh out in their favor. To me, failure, danger, and repercussions are just as important as the fantasy and the make believe, and shouldn't be tossed out because that's what roots the imagination of the mind in to the world of reality and creates the game in the minds eye. I greatly enjoy in depth roleplay and serious interactions over mindless bloodshed but I always leave that opportunity up to the players. I always try to make every encounter an opportunity for more, should the players choose to take the road less traveled. I have come along way being a game master and as a story teller to understand the importance of a railroad and how to navigate an environment with out ever laying down any tracks. I also can create a false sense of an open elaborate world like a sandbox, but still have walls you'll never see or even get close to. But I can also create ever expanding worlds with unending directions, lore, and adventures. TTRPG's are my great galleon and the games I try to run are the open Sea. Not because I'm better than anyone else, but because I've been doing this for so very long and nothing brings me greater joy. I'm always working on my craft as a game master, as there is always room for improvement. I find my accountability for any mistakes I might or can make to probably be my best quality as a game master. Someone who can not admit when they're wrong will never grow and will only accomplish self destruction and build a toxic world for themselves. I'm not perfect and don't pretend to be, but I am human and I can and will get things wrong. Mistakes are how we learn and how we improve. I love doing voices even if I'm having trouble holding on to a particular one, I still push for it. Because its so much fun for me and I want my players to feel like their encounters are more real even if its just a glimpse and I welcome my players to do the same, even if it's not an accent, just a way of words or a mentality to convey their character. This drives me more in to playing my characters, if the players are also trying. It makes me want to do it even more. I love when my players join in even just trying it on for the first time, and I feel people are more open to continue to try and roleplay. When you put forth the same effort and make them feel welcomed in their efforts, people find it more comfortable and typically also will give as much as you. I believe myself to be a just and fair game master and have zero problems admitting when I'm wrong or working with others to come to a place where everyone is happy. I am at my best when I know my players are truly enjoying themselves and that's why I love running games. I am most grateful when my players feel and believe they are able to come to me with a problem because they know it will be resolved with everyone's interests equally in hand and that their needs will be met honestly and with a kind heart. I've worked hard to learn how to keep a story moving, give players as much agency as possible, or to avoid things like GM/DM verse the player mentality, and Narrative story design that removes player agency with those types of behaviors. It's not just my game or story. It's our game and our story. I like to weave my stories in to a blanket and let the players are providing me the threads needed to do that.


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