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Adam, dba Legend Weaver

Adam, dba Legend Weaver (he/him)




4 years on StartPlaying

299 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

Average response time: 4 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

Adam (Legend Weaver) has been playing Dungeons and Dragons since elementary school. Since then, he's played several different roleplaying games, both on and offline. He spent several years running a Vampire LARP in his city and has hundreds of hours of storytelling and game-running experience. Critical Role brought him back to the world of Dungeons and Dragons, and he enjoys being both behind the screen and in the trenches with other players. As an actor and singer, Adam enjoys telling stories, and this just adds to the list of stories he can help tell. He uses his theatre training to add creative NPCs and descriptions in order to enhance the player experience as much as possible. Check out the YouTube channel for an example of my DM style. We now have a Discord Community server! Check us out here:

GM Style

I am a big fan of as much immersion as possible. Anything spoken at the table is considered to be said in character. I also try to ensure that I am using all three pillars of a campaign (roleplay, exploration, combat) to make the story. I am a huge fan of games that are heavily roleplayed. I include story arcs built off of character information that I gain at Session 0. To me, any game that doesn't include stories that directly affect the characters just isn't fun. No matter how good the main plot may be, if there isn't any opportunity for the characters to have their own stories then it's just not a proper story. These games are collaborative. No one "wins" these games other than by working together to tell an amazing story. I like to encourage the players to tell a lot of the story, with minimal guidance from me.
