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2 years on StartPlaying

23 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Creativity, Rule of Cool

About me

Hi! I'm Keilan (Key-lin) and I love storytelling! I am from Victoria, British Columbia Canada. I speak English and Japanese, and a little bit of Mandarin. I'm a writer, animator, artist, conlanger, world builder, and GM (as you can probably tell)! I was a little late to the TTRPG scene, but I made it here regardless and am loving it. There are few experiences more satisfying than running a game and watching the chemistry between characters come alive. I got my first taste of D&D in 2018 and I've been chasing that high ever since. I'm a massive nerd (aren't we all here?); notable loves of mine include Star Wars, The Dark Crystal, Lord of the Rings, Marvel (well, basically Spider-man), Scott Pilgrim, Space Horror (Alien and Dead Space), and several more. These interests really flavor the kinds of role-playing games that I run and play. I'm even in the process of designing my own self-published TTRPG as well. Anyone want to try it out?;) Looking forward to lots of memorable moments with you!

GM style

I enjoy fostering a story where my players can shine individually, focusing on growth and development. Combat is run more narratively than crunchily, with a focus on making heroic choices and less on making precision strategy plays. All sessions are fully scored from a collection of hours of cinematic music.


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