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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Voices, Knows the Rules

About me

I'm a long time DM who first got into the hobby thanks to the Temple of Elemental Evil Video game based on 3.5 D&D. I've been professionally DMing on Roll20 now for 3 years and counting. I'm very knowledgeable about 5e and have played a number of other systems including 3.5,pathfinder,13th age, BESM, and dungeon world just to name a few. I've got a disgustingly large library of art, maps and modules on the platform and while I usually use modules as the baseline for my games I am perfectly happy to alter and add things to bend the adventure around the player characters. If you are looking for a chill, adaptable and dedicated DM look no further.

GM Style

I'm a pretty improvisational and adaptable DM, I'd say my specialty revolves around pulling a whole npc/encounter or scenario out of thin air in a near seamless fashion to react to the players needs. I've managed to pull it off to the point that during modules players usually can't tell what is part of the module and what I literally just added in 5 minutes ago. I also am fairly open to homebrew and own several third party books if a player has an idea for a character I'll often be able to suggest a class or archetype that can represent that concept in a way that might not be possible in base 5e.

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