Cost Per Player
Jon Horry (he/him)
2 years on StartPlaying
24 games hosted
Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, World Builder
About me
Professional DM with 5 years of experience, 2 years of which have been spent running my own homebrew campaigns of *Lost in Paradice* and *Paradice Lost.* In 2022 I ran 4 hour weekly in person sessions for 4 to 5 groups of players, ranging in size of 4 to 9 players each. In Paradice, all groups participate asynchronously in reality, but their characters exist simultaneously in universe. My past year of players played in Paradice together with interwoven storylines and collaborative (well, usually!) goals they struggled hard to achieve together! We even merged groups for huge Raid events against the most powerful forces in the setting, and they went very well! Streams of two raids can be provided upon request. One event had 31 participants and was quite a spectacularly fun session. I hope you too may someday become *Lost in Paradice* to rediscover the special fun and excitement of last year's cohort! Or, perhaps you will take the plunge into the challenging, dark setting of *Paradice Lost* to quite literally rise from the ash to light the beacon of hope for all universes. Collectively struggle against the twin calamities, The Oblivion and The Apathy, as they seek to snuff our all memory and life, respectively, across all known universes if not successfully secured, contained, and protected against.
GM Style
My best strength is improvisation and prepping story beats that players can dynamically interact with to change the entire narrative of the story. I write my content to have many features and set pieces, and I force myself to react to my players by giving them exceptional agency in their choices. I do voice acting, love to get deep into the weeds of the world building lore, and borrow many skills learned from watching the majority of the content creators on YouTube, with a special nod to MrRhexx, Dungeon Dudes, and Dungeon Dad. I excel at running large table games and have a year of direct experience as noted above. I keep combat snappy, but also interject role-playing into combat whenever appropriate. I treat combat, exploration, and role-playing as equally important Pillars and refuse to separate them out during a session. A good session should incorporate all three, and simultaneously whenever possible. I consider myself a huge rules junky for 5E and I'm always willing to incorporate play test rules from One DnD as well. I believe in a combination of RAW and RAI that I call RAD: Rules as Defined. A good rule should incorporate original design intention and rewrite the RAW to define the original intent where ever possible, so they become pretty darn RAD. I always seek to challenge my players, teach them neat combat tactics, help them work on build optimization ... and then make my encounters as difficult as possible to rise to meet the skills of my players! I also challenge my players to try to derail my campaign plots. Bring it on you would-be plot-smashers, I bet I'll improvise my way out of any shenanigans you bring my way!
Games played
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