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James the Games Master

2 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Creativity, Voices

About me

I got my start playing pretend with friends as a kid, picking up sticks and shiny rocks and pretending they were swords and powerful crystals. When I learned there was a game where you could relive that childhood magic and wonder, I was hooked. I’ve been running games of various systems since I was 15, and I can’t imagine I'll stop anytime soon! I love introducing new players to the world of TTRPG’s and getting a glimpse into their unique play styles and perspectives! I’m looking to give players a fun and personal experience that they can remember fondly for years to come, just like in any home games.

GM Style

As a GM, I love nothing more than watching a player’s eyes light up when everything finally clicks and they’re fully invested in the moment that’s been created at the table. I work with my players to get to that moment. I firmly believe there is something primal and uniquely human about coming together around a table to tell stories with one another, and I aim to bring that out in each session! Overall GM Style: As a GM, the fun of the game for me comes from the interactions at the table. Using improv and going with the flow of the fiction being created at the table is my bread and butter. I'm a firm believer in the "Shoot the Monk" philosophy of letting your players do what they do best. Roleplaying Style: In-Character conversations, light voices, and a love of improvised conversations. Combat Style: "Shoot the Monk"- Your characters were made to do certain things, I want to see those things come up in play. I'm on your side, but that doesn't mean things are always going to be easy. This is a game after all, and I don't believe in fudging rolls. I aim to provide interesting combats with some real stakes. Homebrew vs Official Content: I generally prefer using homebrew settings, but I've also run several different official modules to great success. Regardless of which I'm using, I always strive to make them personal and linked to your specific characters. Character Creation: I use officially published rules for simplicity's sake. Homebrew items or monsters may appear, but characters are all on the same wavelength when it comes to the rules. Standard array or point buy are allowed. I provide temporary access to my collection of dndbeyond to help build characters and run a session. Feel free to save your character as a pdf or print them out as a fun memorabilia of the session! Rules Philosophy: The rules are there to help the game along and provide a structure for play. You don't know all the rules? No problem, that's what I'm here for! I want my players to be able to hop in regardless of experience level and still have a good time! Homebrew Style: When running any homebrew games or settings, I prefer character driven stories where each player can see their character go through story arcs and find personal growth. I enjoy taking the many different backstories and character arcs and mixing them up into a unique experience for each party of adventurers. Adult Content: Games with adults will have cursing and adult related themes like violence, death, etc. I do, however, avoid sexually explicit themes and will fade to black if they do happen to arise. Safety Tools: I use safety tools like session zeros, lines and veils, and Red/Yellow Cards. On a capitalistic note, you're a consumer in this transaction and I want you to feel comfortable throughout the entire session. These safety tools ensure that everyone is on the same page and you have the agency to avoid any triggers or uncomfortable subjects. I have a very open policy when it comes to these tools and have no problem removing a problem player if they are actively antagonizing or otherwise ruining the vibes for the party. We are here to have fun! Brand New Players: If you're on this website, I assume you at least know what a TTRPG is and you're looking to dip your toes into Dungeons and Dragons! Well, look no further, I'm here to help! I've introduced many new players to the game and it's one of my favorite things to do! I can answer questions prior to any session and will obviously guide you through actual play as well! I want you to be able to jump in fresh and come out feeling confident in your ability to play the game! Experience: I have been playing since I was 15 years old and have been through the many trials and hiccups of learning, playing, and running the game since then. I've run complete modules and campaigns in 5th Edition, I've done goofy one shots, and homebrew campaigns. I enjoy reading other TTRPG systems for new rules or perspectives on how to run games. I've run for as little as one other person and for as many as 8 at a time. Table management is key and I've gotten pretty good at it over the years. I generally buy and at the very least skim through any new official releases and try to stay as up to date as possible!

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