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Jack LeRogue (Benjamin Maltbie)
DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer

3 years on StartPlaying

13 games hosted

About me

Hello! My name is Jack and I am hoping to run some games for new players, experienced players, groups of friends, groups of strangers, people with a ton of free time, people with very little free time, people who prefer role-playing, people who prefer combat, and, really, just about anybody with an interest in giving this whole TTRPG thing a whirl. I've run thousands of hours of these games over the years and I see every group as both an entirely fresh experience and an opportunity to refine my abilities as a game master because every table is unique posing different demands and possessing different tastes. I am thrilled when I succeed in finding the right tone and combination of ingredients to suit each group of players. I am always chasing that thrill. I am also sometimes available to run games for events, or for pre-made groups, outside of my regularly scheduled games. Please feel very free to reach out to me if you have any questions about my games, TTRPGs in general, or about scheduling. I am conveniently available through this site and by email, but am willing to voice or video chat from time to time to ease any concerns you might have about diving into the hobby, or investing in the campaigns, ahead of time.

GM Style

I am a very flexible GM, and that is a large part of the fun for me. I love designing in accordance with a group's unique preferences. In order to be flexible, I spend a lot of time practicing different styles and learning the ins and outs of various systems, learning design, practicing voices, and brushing up on storytelling. So long as the players are engaged and having fun, then I am thrilled. The more you tell me about what you want, the better I can do my job. I like to think that I'm experienced enough to help new players have an amazing time, too, even if they may not yet know what they enjoy about the hobby. If you play in one of my games, I will endeavor to create a safe environment where players can form bonds with one another through their shared storytelling, shared victories, and shared losses. Hopefully you will walk away from each session having had an amazing time. Hopefully you will walk away from the campaign with a story you can remember fondly for a long, long while. I sometimes create various forms of media, like television style recaps, to give the players just a little bit of memorabilia to hold onto. I get stoked about dressing up in costume, too, and most campaigns have a session where players dress up as their characters. I want to be clear that, while I may be pretty eccentric and over-the-top in my love for these games, all players are invited to engage at their own level of interest and comfort. Before any play starts, I will check in with the group to get a sense of their hopes, interests, and dislikes. We will then hold a zero session where everybody in the group meets one another. In this free session, we will collaborate to write a table contract. From that point, with a good idea of group dynamics and preferences, we can work to create a perfectly curated game.

Game Master Reviews (12)

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