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Less than a year on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, World Builder

About me

Hi! My name is Andreas and for the past 2 years I have been working with TTRPG game design and creation, eventually ending up with a project called “AID 5E” - I have played TTRPG’s for 9 years mainly consisting of Homebrew Systems, DND and Call of Cthulhu, ... For the duration of those 2 years working on the project, we have had multiple play test groups all enjoying the same Play test Content. I am now here to share the fruit of our Labor with others and also to give you a bunch of game content which, you can use in your own games or other games. ( This 5E DLC content includes but aren't limited to: Huge Crafting system, Custom Maps, New Character creations Possibilities such as race, subclass, Full Class, Feats, and rules. New balance system for monsters, teamwork Based New Rules for Combat and Roleplay Puzzles, Custom Artwork. ) I live and breathe game design and storytelling using 5E as core material and as an experienced Dungeon Master I aim to bring forth laughter and good memories with everyone I play with. I sincerely hope you are interested in participating in a game of ours as i love to play and meet with new people.

GM style

Combat: I love action and new mechanics for combat, making every new fight a challenge filled with mystery and strategies while giving it a twist. I always attempt to have at least one fight as a part of each session I run and so far throughout my 2 Years of DMing with the AID 5E project I have achieved that in 95% of my sessions. Depending on the situation a fight can take anywhere from 1 hour and up to all session, (when making a plan is hard you know). :D Role Playing: I encourage roleplay as much as possible and I will throw curveballs at those left out or quiet during a session. but I do not want to force anybody to go out of their comfort zones and anybody has the right to say no to participation in certain things they may dislike. I use 2 major ways of roleplaying. The first is to talk about your characters as a 3rd person. say what your character would do and explain how it would feel or what it's curious about. you respond and act as though you were your character and explain in detail what they do. Second way is the level up where you start really acting as your character and speak with a funny or smoothe accent or pattern. - what i bring to the table as a DM in forms of roleplay is an arsenal of accents and confused people who would never turn down a conversation about one of their 20 pre prepared Random NPC Small talk backgrounds. ;) Custom maps: Making maps for dnd is a great hobby of mine and i always use a custom map for us to play on, some maps are large and filled with secrets you might never see or find throughout your play time with me but make sure its still there and oversee the wrong secret and you might be looking back at yourself, regretting your former actions “insert evil laughter here”. Personal Motive: I make everyone's background match with the campaign and the story while trying to motivate everyone towards the same goal while still being able to have personal character goals. Open world. I will give you Locations and hints towards your goals and where you want to go throughout your adventure and story, but the world is a living and moving world and some Quest and their rewards might have a Deadline and as such, you as a team must prioritize your time. The world is also filled with Hidden deadlines which alters the region if not stopped with either positive or negative consequences for the world. Never split the party: for roleplaying reasons and so everyone can be a part of the same game I tend to stop players from willingly splitting the party for a longer period of time, or stop players from not being able to share the spotlight (with few exceptions for story reasons). I therefore focus Much more on the flavor of you guys being a team instead of only individuals “type”: I'm a the stereotypical “over prepared DM”, the notes and amount of Pages i have and will write for our game is my greatest joy, and i can't wait to see what you as a player can inspire me to prepare. 😀


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