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Matthew F.

Matthew F. (he/him)


2 years on StartPlaying

About me

I run 3 weekly campaigns at the FLGS I also work at, but I have plenty more stories to tell and I want to share them with YOU! I pride my DM style on being character-driven narratives with cool, compelling combats thrown in. • Do you want to play as the <3 favorite <3 follower for a newer deity? I gotchu. • Your assassin's revenge arc for her father's murder? I gotchu. • 'You want to focus on a redemption arc for your failed paladin? I gotchu. • 'You want to lean heavily into what your warlock patron demands in return for eldritch powers? I GOTCHU!! Whatever your story is, I want to help you tell it!~

GM Style

As I said in my bio, I pride my DM style on being character-driven narratives with cool, compelling combats thrown in. I know the rules like the back of my hand but nothing—no roll of a die—is going to be more important than a character's story coming to fruition. I play these games because they're shared storytelling experiences, so let's tell a dang-good story, together! Also, be prepared for silly voice acting. It's coming.

What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

  • Find a game to join solo or search for a professional game master for you and your friends/coworkers/family.

  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.

  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.