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1 year on StartPlaying

12 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

About me

I'm Ian, an engineer, swing dancer, and game master. I've been GMing since I was a kid, running games for friends with only the loosest understanding of the rules. Started seriously GMing when D&D Fifth Edition released, taking over an existing campaign after the DM dropped. I've DMed regular campaigns ever since, and branched out into more and more systems. The RPG hobby for me has always been a great pastime, a way to have fun, meet people, and maintain friendships. Despite my social circle being scattered around the world, we can still manage to sync up for our weekly game of D&D. I play and run D&D 5e, FATE (Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files RPG), and Dread. Though you'll unfortunately never see the last one on here. I know the ins and outs of hosting an online game with over 4000 hours on Roll20.

GM style

I love to introduce new players to the hobby and am happy to provide guidance to anyone who needs it. I am happy to emphasize the "Roleplay" element of tabletop RPGs, it's why we're here isn't it? Expect a world and characters you can extensively interact with, and the ability to choose your own direction. I try to run games that take advantage of the strengths of a system. If we are in a D&D 5e game, you can expect tactical combat on a battlemap. If we are using FATE Accelerated, expect a much more social and investigative game. I am a strong believer in the idea that fun matters more than rules, but that the rules exist for a reason too. The rules are a contract I make with you. You can trust me to always run an attack, a save, a spell, and so on the same way. You can rely on that when you are planning out how you want to play your character, or what approach to use in a difficult boss fight. That said, I will also bend rules for player fun. My answer to "Can I jump off this rock and pierce my sword into the monster's head" will be "Hell yes you can." We will figure out what you need to roll. Most important of all, I try to cater my campaigns to what the players will find the most fun and engaging, and am very grateful for feedback.

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