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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

"I am a teller of stories... a weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the right weather, stand on my head. I know seven words of Latin. I have a little magic, and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a dragon, can fight dirty but not fair, and once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic. I am a luxury. And in that sense, necessary.”

GM style

I run New Wave tabletop: narrative, RP, and "rule of cool" forward, with a focus on bespoke homebrew, even when adapting pre-written content. RAW will never be as important to me as everybody having a good time, and I strive to tell my players "no" as little as possible- if I wanted to be a goalie, I'd play Hockey. Likewise, while I aim to facilitate experiences powered by player agency, my campaigns always have an underlying- however flexible- story skeleton. A lot of "sandbox" campaigns ultimately amount to just that: "Here, have a Box of Sand". A good campaign, to me, isn't simply a jungle gym that any group of players could swing on, but a movie that adapts in real time to the Protagonists' actions and the 20-sided fates. To give up the ghost, I learned 5e as much from Dimension 20 and NADDPod as I did from the Core Rulebooks, and aim to emulate their character-driven, equal-opportunity storytelling vibe in all my sessions. Stylistically speaking, imagine a Video Rental Shop of the Soul. Each campaign I write and run is meant to be one of many well-worn paper VHS boxes lining their shelves. That's maybe an excessively evocative way of saying, I have a lot of nostalgia for the neo-grindhouse action, horror, and animation, and hyper-gloss, hyper-weird high fantasy, of the '80s and early 90s, and it's a creative wellspring I have more fun drawing from than Lord of the Rings or Dark Souls (though I love both of those, too.) Regarding platforms and tools, I always use maps for combat, spatial puzzles, and classic dungeon-crawl-style exploration, but prefer Theater of the Mind for extended character interactions, travel, scene setting, pretty much anything that doesn't demand visual representation. For that matter, while I make custom tokens for all NPCs in VTT sessions (and for ALL players, via Hero Forge), I almost exclusively use minimalist colored tokens for enemies IRL, only using "real" minis for narratively significant bosses- if I'm busting out an actual monster, you know sh*t just got real. In VTT, differentiating between combatants needs all the help it can get, of course, but face to face, I find aesthetic abstraction to be more conducive to immersion- another excessive way of saying, it's easier to live in the game we both want to be playing when neither of us is noticing that the skeleton mini's armor ain't right, because he has no armor, he's a black glass bead. All in all, I'm just a storyteller with eccentric taste and an addiction to the creative energy of Tabletop, and I can't wait to share that energy with you.


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