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Byron | GreenCastle GameMaster (he/him)
4 years on StartPlaying
1046 games hosted
Highly rated for: Teacher, Storytelling, Creativity
About me
Greetings, Gamers! My name is Byron, and if there was one word I would use to describe myself; it's Gamer. 2 words? Game Master. I love Table-Top Role Playing Games, and have been playing for over half my life. I was originally introduced to Table-Top Gaming via my older brother, Joe, who ran Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (i.e. D&D 2nd Edition). Years later, I was introduced to West End Games' Star Wars RPG, on the D6 System, by my best friend, Cyrus. Everything clicked with that beloved system and it wasn't long before I was running my own games. That was almost 30 years ago, and I've hardly stopped rolling the dice ever since. From there, I've brought TTRPG's to every place I've ever called home. I was always seeking out fellow gamers, and if I couldn't find any I'd bring new players into the fold. I've started two gaming clubs at different schools, created and headed the Traditional Games department of an Anime Convention for about 7 years. Plus, I hosted a gaming podcast, called Rho Pi Gamma, through 7 successful seasons, and have even done some live stream games on Twitch. All while running home games, in person or over the net. Now, I've finally decided it was time I took this thing I had such a passion for, and make it my livelihood; as a Professional Game Master!
GM Style
The way I would describe my GMing Style would be: an eclectic romp through a thriving setting (that I don't fully control), where the everyday can be just as important as the epic story you're following, populated by NPC's that seem to be just as alive as yourselves. I specialize in bringing new players into the fold and to the GM Screen. I also excel at world building and adapting other material into RPG's. I've created over a dozen unique settings, and have gamified several pop culture verses to be playable. I'm comfortable in running a variety of rules systems, and I've played in several more. Plus, I have a list of systems I'm itching to try out. Don't see your favored system? Shoot me a message! If I don't have it, I can at least recommend something similar! I'm also not shy about what type of story we're telling either! Want a classic high fantasy dungeon crawl? Remember to check for traps! A giant mecha saga? Time to call your attacks! An iconic space opera? Grab your beam-swords! A super hero epic? Let's suit up and assemble! A magical girl murder mystery while trying to fight off your harem of invading space aliens? Okay, wow do you watch a lot of anime... but yeah, I can do that, too! I'm good with just about any genre, any style, and any scale of story. *NEW* For my full campaigns, I'm now offering 50% off the first session for a Session Zero! I'll go over the system being used, answer any questions you might have, give a general overview of the setting and the campaign specifically, and generally get you hyped for the campaign! Oh, and we'll be making characters together, of course. *NEW*
Games played
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