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Gaige (he/him)




1 year on StartPlaying

41 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Storytelling

About me

Hello, I'm Gaige, I have been DMing D&D 5E for around 5 years now. Currently, I'm DMing 5 long-term campaigns (1 For family/Friends) and the others for people just in need of a good adventure. With D&D being my main hobby and with life starting to resume and IRL sessions getting back on track I'm looking to run some amazing games for people and earn some money to improve the gaming experience I can provide to others both online and IRL. Depending on the campaign we play my DM style is pretty flexible, I'm open to most character classes/races in most settings and usually play by, tell me what you want to do and I will tell you how to do it, I have 2 extensive homebrewed worlds which is being played in 3 of my campaigns along with 2 shorter homebrew campaigns and a myriad of one-shots available.

GM Style

I really enjoy a mix of everything, roleplay would be my favorite part of D&D as a DM but like to be flexible. I enjoy nice heavy-hitting combat, I use Massive Damage rules with some tweaks and also apply negative effects on rolling nat-1s, a crit in my games is more than just extra damage but depending on how you describe the hit I will decide what negative effect that applies to the foe you strike. I dabble in character voices but am admittedly not great at it but trying to improve. In my games I like to go with a loose style, you tell me if you want to do something funky and il tell you how to pull it off. I like to go with theater of the mind out of combat but in combat, I have maps for my homebrew worlds, all made with Inkarnate/Dungeon alchemist (I try to stick to one or the other)

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