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Your Friendly Neighborhood GM (Angelo)

Your Friendly Neighborhood GM (Angelo) (he/him)



2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Voices, Storytelling

About me

It took a lot of courage to continue telling (bullshitting really) the story of Postal Pete, but when the party starts questioning NPCs into oblivion sometimes you just have to go for it. The bug bit me hard almost a decade ago and I've never been happier than when I've a story bouncing around my brain waiting to get out. There's no substitute for a fun fantasy romp, but I enjoy a gloomy descent into dark places nearly as much. I do not fear difficult subject matter, but am always careful to approach it with reverence. Politics and philosophy should be engaged in so much as they are relevant to our shared tale: the Fiction is first. I will challenge you to be true to yourself and your compatriots, but only to help forge your character in steel. 'A day may come when the courage of men fails. When we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.' - Fran Walsh

GM Style

My favorite moments are the genuine connections we make at the table between the fictional selves we put forward into the world so I'm mainly here to ensure you and everyone else is having fun. I will do my utmost to give each player a chance to shine. My goal is to give you the opportunity to show me the fantastic vision that is in your mind. In service of that I practice inclusivity and communication first which is why ALL of my adventures and even some one-shots will begin with a session 0. I want everyone to be comfortable enough with the group and the rules to share themselves and fully participate in the cooperative roleplay experience. I have an open door policy with Discord and welcome any and all questions. I do a lot of prep for virtual sessions. there will be custom made maps, filler art splash screens, custom tokens, and even music when I have time. For in person I have a custom table with plexiglass overlay, battle mats and minis if needed and I make use of both light and sound effects/music. I do as many voices as I can manage and always strive to stay authentically in character, but nobody's perfect and sometimes I'll break for 4th wall humor (but only if it's REALLY good). I don't focus overly much on war games or strategy, but have planned challenging encounters in my time. If you are the type of player that looks around the room for ways to turn an encounter to your advantage then I'm likely the right DM for you. I generally do three things well: Mystery/Thriller Plots - I love locked rooms and insight checks. Nuance is my forte. Role Play - The NPCs are deep, but there won't be too many of them. I do several different voices and am always working on more. Unconventional Combat - I rarely if ever use bog standard random encounters. Every room is unique (even the ones I make up on the fly) and there will usually be alternative solutions to combat if that is desired.

Game Master Reviews (5)


Players say this GM is great at:




Christina avatar


Angelo is amazing at matching the vibe of the group. If you like to be serious, he will give you a creative puzzle or challenging battle. If you want to be silly and goof around with fun role playing he will banter with you and also make interesting non battle opportunities. My favorite scenario to date is our run in with Nani Poopoo which involved interesting sleuthing, fun character voices, and great scene building. 10/10 would drop an old hag from 50ft again.

Shaluleven avatar


Angelo has been a wonderful GM for the multiple campaigns I've been a part of. He does an amazing job with teaching new players the rules and mechanics of the game. He adapts well to different play-styles at the table and making sure all players feel comfortable expressing themselves. Angelo puts a lot of care into the campaign's narrative, creating distinct personalities for the NPCs and integrating player's choices/consequences into the story. One of my favorite moments as a player in Angelo's game was when my party and I needed to find a boat to return back to our hub city. We unfortunately encountered a hostile pirate cove and were severely outnumbered. But rather than going with my gut instinct as the barbarian of the group, and jumping into a combat encounter anyways, I instead decided to take the route of diplomacy. And with some dumb luck I was able to roll my way into arm wrestling the captain and distracting his entire crew, while my fellow Ranger and Paladin party members stole one of their ships in the background. Angelo did a great job adjusting the encounter, making it more lighthearted/silly while not removing the stakes or potential danger. What could have been a long and exhausting fight, turned into a mission impossible heist and moment of growth for my character that has stuck with me.

Bryan avatar


GM was open to new players and took the time to explain the rules while also giving us the freedom to make the story unique to the group. Story took turns either directed by the group or the DM that was both funny and surprising.

Christoph avatar


I have played a few different games and systems DMed by Angelo over the years. All of them have had unique and intriguing stories to explore as a player, with a fleshed out world. Angelo often introduces music and recaps into his games between sessions, and puts a lot of effort into providing flavor to the game. I've greatly enjoyed all of the games I've played with Angelo!

Francois R avatar

Francois R

Angelo's an awesome DM ! He writes up awesome and compelling adventures, and he's able to fold each character's backstory into the adventure that everyone's playing in a way that gets everyone involved. The stories that he made others and me play through were full of awesome roleplaying and had very satisfying character arcs, and many dramatic plot twists keeping us on the edge of our seat.

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