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Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

About me

Hi! A little about me, I'm a huge nerd when it comes to D&D, superheroes, video games, anime, and just about any nerdy fandom you can think of. So much so, that I frequently introduce characters from pop culture as NPCs in my games! I also enjoy making music, and 3D modeling! I recently graduated with my degree in game design and thought this would be an excellent way for me to flex these muscles in my free time.

GM style

About The Game This campaign will be played using D&D 5th Edition, with some homebrew content. This campaign will take place in a universe shared by other campaigns I have run or am running. You will be diving into the "Eververse" an original world I created 5 years ago, in the Eververse the multiverse is real! What I love about D&D is that it's a collaborative experience, so the players themselves will have a say in the style of campaign they would like to partake in. For Example, if you like faction intrigue you may find yourself in the Magical Metropolis of Insomnia combating factions in the underbelly of the city! Love Dark Fantasy and mystery? Perhaps your adventures will start in the backwoods of Lovecraft Country where something awaits you in the dark. Or perhaps you like a blend and you'll be Town guards caught in a rabbit hole of grim investigations??? The possibilities are endless! (We will have a Session zero to determine these things) Dm Style -I love the storytelling aspects of D&D so I always put a big emphasis on that Pillar. With that, I always encourage my players to make in-depth backgrounds and motivations. -Typically I like to keep my games linear while also letting the players drive the story with their actions and motivations, while also having my own plans/preparations for the overarching idea of a campaign/Session. For example, one of my player's backgrounds, in a dark fantasy campaign, may include searching for a lost loved one. In pursuit of that, they may find many leads and I'll have prepared for those leads, but it would be up to the player to choose which one to follow. Upon following the lead they may run directly into the main antagonist. (Conversely, if the party prefers a more linear path throughout the campaign, Where I drive the major decisions such as the next major location to visit, that is also available!) - Above all else, I strive to make my games Fun AND Fair - I love letting my player's creative spirits go wild - If I'm unsure about a rule I will make a call that feels the most appropriate to keep the game moving, and then I'll look it up later, if a player happens to know the rule they are free to chime in!


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