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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

About me

Hello, my name is Trevor. I have been a Storyteller and Dungeon Master since late 1998 and I’ve been running roleplay games for just over two decades now while being a bit of a tech head. I’m a family man with two kids and an amazing wife who supports my sometimes quirky endeavours. I love learning about emerging technologies and utilising them to enhance my player's experience while playing at my table. I enjoy building and creating tools and utilities like macro/VBA-enabled character sheets, MS Access Database campaign managers and even websites for a past Shadowrun campaign for me and my players. I’ve designed and built a few digital gaming tables for myself and some limited customers, which has been an amazing journey from development to production. While also providing 3D-printed accessories designed and built for my own needs With events like COVID and my relocating interstate, we all have found ourselves looking for new ways to connect without friends while retaining much of the tabletop experience. In the last few years, this has been supported by the amazing people who developed VTT (virtual tabletops) applications and in my case specifically FoundryVTT which has been fundamental for my games as much as the rule system that goes with it, and recommendation for any new Storyteller’s looking to run games online also. I currently host three professionally run games fortnightly, from heroic one-shots to legendary campaigns from core textbook settings or our homebrewed worlds. Feel free to click the above link to join my Discord server if you want a game to join.

GM Style

I like to run a more relaxed slower-paced game where rules and learning the game are encouraged to enhance my player's enjoyment and knowledge of the game systems. I like a more roleplay-orientated game over tactical combat. Games are played more with "Theater of the Mind" style but battle maps and tokens are used where needed.

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