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3 years on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, World Builder, Sets the Mood

About me

Greetings Adventurers! My name is Robert, but you can call me Dungeon X Master! D&D is a heavy part of my backstory. I've played through different editions (1st, AD&D, 3.0/3.5, 5th, Pathfinder) over the years, landing on 3.5e as my favorite choice. I have experience in acting from high school theater, band performance in music entertainment, and a lifetime of knowledge about fantasy genre movies & video games. I like being a player now and then, but my true passion is running game as the Dungeon Master. After 30 years of rolling dice, the best part about this game for me was always the lasting friendships & teamwork, in and out of the game.

GM Style

Players can expect Combat/Tactics : Medium Role play : High Puzzles : Low Experience Level : Open to all Additional Details How to prepare: Players will need a mic, as well as Roll20, and Discord account. A webcam is recommended. I will have the adventure or campaign prepared in Roll20, and all of the 3.5 D&D books available for reference. How character creation will work: We will do group character creation during session 0. The internal Roll20 Character sheet is where you can enter your information once you have an account linked to my game. My personal campaign is an open world format where players can take any direction they want to as a team. Factions the party may join are available to choose from, as well as powerful patrons, and religious orders. In this way, we create a collaborative story that is fun, engaging, and immersive. I'm also very open minded and accepting of everyone who comes with the desire to play well with others. If a player has a concern for any reason, then please reach out to me privately (roll for Diplomacy!). The goal is always to have a few laughs and a good time, and I'm here to mediate any problems at the table so we can get back to rolling dice! The sessions should be mostly PG-13 with a little R rating for fun. Below is a cautionary content warning. Players should minimize or avoid introducing these themes into the game unless it is something everyone in the group agrees on. Abuse Alcohol Use Blood Body Horror Character Death Child Abandonment Child Death Classism Alcoholism Animal abuse Animal Death Curing of Disabilities Death Doxxing Drowning Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal) Execution Extreme Violence Eating Disorders Fire Animal Cruelty Genocide Hangings Gore Hostages Human Trafficking Illness Insects Kidnapping Language/Cursing Life changing Injury Medical Issues Memory Erasing Microaggressions Mind alteration Homophobia Mind Control Miscarriages/Abortion Misgendering Murder Misogyny Mutilation of Corpses Mutilation Nightmares about Traumatic Events Panic Attacks Pandemic Paralyzation Police Brutality Prejudice PTSD Racial Profiling Racism Scars Seizures Self-Harm Concentration Camps Controlling Parents Forced Outing of Character Real World Religion Slavery Suffocation Suicide Talk of Superior Race Terrorism Torture Transphobia Trauma Violence against Children Warfare Violence Witch Prosecution Sexism Sexual Assault Sexual Content

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