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DreadPirateUsername (he/him)



3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Voices, Sets the Mood

About me

Hey Everyone! I've been running RPGs for about 12 years now, including 5e, Pathfinder, and various Star Wars RPGs. I aim to run friendly, inclusive games in which everyone feels welcome. I have lots of experience with games of all power-levels. High-level play a specialty. I'm available for one-shots, short adventures, or full campaigns in any of the systems listed below. I can do published modules or custom games, depending on party preference. I have access to a wealth of material, and what I don't have I can probably get, so don't be shy about asking for something that's not on the list. I'm always looking to expand my repertoire of games, so if you're wanting to try out a new system, hit me up. I'm always happy to learn something new!

GM Style

My GMing style is best described as Player-Focused. I like to tailor the experience of the game to the group I'm playing with. In my experience, there's good fun to be had and great stories to be told with any game, and any character, and any perspective. I like to sit down with all my players before we begin any game to gauge their ideal experience, and weave those desires and expectations into the story and the world we're going to be exploring. I'm all about making sure that everyone around the table is having a good time. Sometimes that means bending to allow for the rule of cool, sometimes that means playing the dice as they fall. My favorite parts of a game are creating a unique shared narrative, exploring the intricacies of fictional worlds, and making memorable moments, both in- and out-of character. The most important part of any game is that everyone is enjoying themselves, which means that any game I run has an absolute code of respect for other players and other people at all times.

Game Master Reviews (9)


Players say this GM is great at:



Sets the Mood

Daniel Zemanek avatar

Daniel Zemanek

i normally don't leave reviews on anything but this was a needed exemption if your looking for a 1 in a million DM this guy is your lucky break ! i could go on for pages about how amazing he is as a DM, we got incredibly lucky to have met him. our first session i was absolutely blow away and honestly every session since then as well has been the best story telling, best world build, and fun beyond explanation. don't even get me started on how in-depth his knowledge of the lore is our previous dm was our first attempt at a paid dm and they were great and when they had to move on due to a different job we were terrified that who ever we found next would never live up to it, couldn't have been more wrong. he has exceeded every expectation in every way and has never disappointed once in our year of playing

Ellalith avatar


My group has been playing a weekly, SWFFG game with DPU for awhile now and it has been a blast! First off, DPU is just a great dude! He is creative, fun, quite knowledgeable of not only the FFG system but the Star Wars universe in general. If you have a vision, he will bring it to life. If you are new to the system or have been playing for awhile, DPU will make sure you understand and help you out. He is also flexible with rules (if you can make a solid case) and really wants the players to get what they want out of the game, not just his agenda. I would highly recommend DPU as a DM/GM as he has knowledge of so many table top RPG's.

Peetl avatar


If you are a beginner or an expert that has played for years - this DM is a wonderful addition to your game! His storytelling is superb, and he allows you to immersive yourself deeply to better connect with your character and backstory. His questions are thoughtful and he is very receptive to feedback. He isn't the kind of DM to run whatever he wants, he will really cater to what you're looking for and what is best for your group's dynamics. He adds really fun elements like detailed maps and background music to build dramatic moments or pump you up for battle. Overall, would 10/10 recommend for groups of any size and experience level.

Jeff avatar


DreadPirateUsername is as good a GM as you're likely to find anywhere. I played in one of his D&D 5e groups in weekly sessions for over a year (a narrative/RP-heavy kind of group), and it was easily one of the best campaigns I've ever been a part of. He is fantastic at getting quiet players (like myself) to engage, often asking each player, "What is going through [your character]'s mind right now?". I found this incredibly helpful for reconnecting with my character each session. His story telling and improvisation are top notch, with unique fantastical locations and memorable NPCs. He was also able to carefully weave captivating and diverse plot lines around the PCs that tied them simultaneously to each other and the module's central plots. Seriously, genius-level storytelling and GM'ing. I cannot recommend him enough for your next game.

Shane avatar


Isaac is great all-rounder DM! Knowledgeable about the rules and able to explain them to new players well, but also willing to bend them for rule of cool/narrative moments. He ran my group's first pathfinder 1e campaign for over 5 years, and now I play in 3 campaigns with him and different players. He's very reliable and kind to all players.

Bryan avatar


DM is great at consistently running a good game- has a firm grasp of all the things that need to have tabs kept on, and is a fan of the "rule of cool" which I don't often see in DMs (many will say "nah bro sorry doesn't work that way").

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