Cost Per Player

Dom Zook (he/him)
4 years on StartPlaying
3 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Rule of Cool
About me
Founder of Saving Throw Show and enjoyer of RPGs. I'm a big proponent of the Rule of Cool with games. I primarily run games using Savage Worlds, but I run D&D (2e, 5e), Pathfinder 2e, Shadowrun, Fantasy Flight Star Wars, and a few others as well. I think the key to a healthy and happy table is communication, and that includes safety tools. I run an LGBTQ+ and BIMPOC friendly table, and happily accept neurodivergent players. My games tend to be pulpy, full of action and adventure, and role-play heavy. You can also chat with me about streaming games! I've been streaming RPGs since 2014 and am happy to answer questions!
GM Style
Roleplay heavy with a strong sense of the rule of cool. I like running heroic games, but I'm not afraid to dive into realism when necessary.
Games played
Game platforms used
What's StartPlaying?
Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters
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If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.