Cost Per Player
Turk (he/him)
3 years on StartPlaying
1 game hosted
Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher
About me
Hello and welcome adventurer! My Name is Turk. I have been a Game Master for 10+ years. I have a life-long passion for storytelling and roleplaying. I specialize in homebrew adventures catered to your character's! I cover all your fantasy needs with a light-hearted tone full of jokes that will make the whole party laugh. Big battles in amazing locations? Post-apocalyptic world of grit and survival? Exploration and puzzles? Romance and comedy? Mysteries to Solve? You bet! However, if you like premade adventures, I'm up for it. If you want a dark and deep story I can do it. If you are a new player, I'll find a suitable campaign for you, homebrew or pre-made. I run games through D&D Beyond/Foundry and Discord for voice and music. I run 2 live streamed games every week on if you would like to check out my DMing style. If you are already a fan of the show and would like to play in the same world we can! Disclaimer: We will not be live streaming the gameplay sessions unless decided on beforehand. Pricing Deals: If you have a group of 3 - 5 players and are looking for a DM for a long-term persistent campaign I currently have a spot open just for that. Additionally, I will give you and your group a cut on the price for the long term campaign.
GM Style
I am a GM that is all about the players, If you are having fun then we are all having fun. I will ask you what you want from the game. That being said, I always try to make balanced games that involve a little bit of everything. Variation makes session flow easier and players tend to never get bored. I'm a DM that favors "the rule of cool" above all else. I value players who will roleplay their characters with the rest of the group but also players who will try to use fun tactics in combat. I try not to let the rules in the book outweigh what the players want to do, but I will say no to an idea that doesn't work within the boundaries of the game and give you an alternative. I specialize in homebrewed adventures and stories catered to your character's backstory and ideas. I can also run you a by-the-book campaign of any of the current published adventures. If that is what your group wants. I also love running one-shot games of varying systems like crash pandas and honey heist ect. I am also open to people brand new to D&D, I will walk you through everything and help you understand how things work. I only work with players 18+
Games played
Game platforms used
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