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Sloan (he/him)




Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Voices, Inclusive, Creativity

About me

Hi, I'm Sloan. (Really, that's my name.) I'm actually the baby in the picture. I'm not really sure who the other guy is? I'm an easygoing and friendly DM who likes tactical combat, meaningful choices, and good sportsmanship. I'm very approachable for new players and love to help newbies discover the magic of the hobby. At the same time, old grognards who like quality classic dungeon diving will find plenty of deep gaming to immerse in. I run efficient, dense sessions. I prioritize fairness, coherent stories, fun, and a good attitude. I value players who have the same priorities.

GM Style

WHAT TO EXPECT ++ Bloody and brutal combat ++ Complex moral / personal dilemmas ++ Strong emphasis on roleplay and story ++ Interesting NPCs ++ Responsive, flexible, respectful DM ++ Character-driven, open-ended narratives WHAT NOT TO EXPECT -- Rules lite -- Excessive silliness -- Railroading / excessively linear stories We will always do a free session 0 to establish any specific storytelling boundaries, and I welcome any feedback about how to make you more comfortable at my table. I have a homebrew setting, the Alterian Chronicles, which is a pleasant mix of sword-and-sorcery and high fantasy. I run custom adventures within this setting, and decisions that players make are codified into the realm forever. I maintain a wiki for the setting in my spare time. I am also happy to run official modules in the standard lore. I run a New World of Darkness (or Chronicles of Darkness) series called American Roadtrip which emulates the feeling of playing as a character in a horror movie. These campaigns are short, punchy, difficult, and unique. American Roadtrip is designed to appeal to players who've had their fill of power fantasy goblin smashing and are looking to freshen up with an entirely different tabletop experience. I run tactical, exciting, gritty combat. Narratively, battles are bloody and impactful. I personally love to "do the voice" and act in character. I also sometimes ad lib sound effects. I often use music and soundscapes for tone and mood. I value players who love to roleplay, but don't feel like that means you need to be an actor. Roleplaying just means thinking like your character and responding to things like they would. There's nothing wrong with saying, "I don't think Tav likes that. He's going to say something menacing and intimidating." I want you to be invested, immersed, and emotionally moved. I don't expect you to know all of the rules, but I do expect you to know how your character works. Lastly, please be aware that cheating, bullying, and mean-spirited behavior are never allowed at the table. I will ask you to stop and it will be embarrassing for everyone. Please don't make it weird. We're here to have fun! Anything more specific will be in individual game listings. Please contact me with any questions or if you'd like me to run something specific for your group.

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