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John Moynihan

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

About me

Hello, my name is John. I have been playing D&D for many years going all the way back to the 80's. I started playing a lot more about 4 years ago and have been migrating over to being an exclusive DM. I am currently running 2 long term campaigns with 7 players each that have been meeting consistently every week (twice a week for the longer campaign) for 8 months and 3 months respectively. Both are set in the Wildemount environment from Critical Role. Both are for fun but I am getting paid for one of them and those players hail from all over, including New York, Ontario, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Texas. I also run a campaign for inner city teens at the local Boys & Girls Club as a volunteer. I am on Discord as @Jlmoyni so can be reached there. My pronouns are He/Him. Since March I have been playing exclusively remote using Roll20 with VTTES for virtual tabletop, D&D Beyond for campaign and character management, Beyond20 for integration with Roll20, and Discord for voice. Recently I have been getting in to using animated maps for my games with great response from my players.

GM style

I pride myself on not railroading players in anyway and really strive to let them help in creating the story. I have respect and am disciplined about the rules but definitely adhere to the "Rule of Cool" most times. I also like my fantasy to be grounded in reality so I do have some house rules that I use that add a little grit to the story. My style is about 50/50 role playing vs. combat so there would be sessions that would not have combat and would be really role play and story heavy. For long campaigns I like to work with each player on character creation in D&D Beyond and once the player has joined my campaign with a character I would share all the source books on D&D Beyond so that they would have numerous options and paths for character creation (I have "The Legendary Bundle" and would share this content). One-shots are a bit more streamlined but I still strive to make each session a unique experience.

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