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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hi there! My name is Matthew, I'm from Poland and my Dungeon Master career is old enough to drink in the U.S. Game Master since junior high, Biotech engineer since collage, Entrepreneur for 10 years, and *professional* Game Master since 2018. Part of my GM professional experience comes from using ttrpgs as a tool for teaching English to both young and adults. This is why there is no problem with running the game in either Polish or English. (My English language level according to CEFR - somewhere between C1 and C2) I've played and run over a dozen different game systems, including: Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Blades in the Dark, My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria, Call of Cthulhu and more. I love spinning tales both epic and tragic, with PCs always being the center of the story - even if there is a cataclysmic event in the world that you are supposed to stop - you don't have to if you don't want to. We can just let it happen, as you'll go on adventuring somewhere else for an entirely different purpose. I put role-playing above mechanics, and it is always important for me that players (as a team) have as much to say in terms of world building and campaign unraveling as I*. If I look like a DM you and your party is looking for, or if you have any questions - feel free to contact me :) I am opened to all kinds of players regardless of age, sex, race and political views. My youngest player was 9 and the oldest was over 60. *For those unfamiliar with this concept - I am still the one who creates the world and spins the story, but if your group decides that you want to go in a different direction, or you are in need of a city/NPC/landmark we can pivot and adjust for the sake of good fun and good story.

GM Style

I love spinning tales both epic and tragic, with PCs always being the center of the story - even if there is a cataclysmic event in the world that you are supposed to stop - you don't have to if you don't want to. We can just let it happen, as you'll go on adventuring somewhere else for an entirely different purpose. I put role-playing above mechanics - you don't need to roll if you role-play something well enough - and it is always important for me that players (as a team) have as much to say in terms of world building and campaign unraveling as I. Every important NPC I create, has his own unique (or at least semi-unique) voice, character and way of speaking. I enjoy role-playing characters and breathing life into the worlds I create, and this is something I put huge emphasis on. However, if you like tactical combat and feeling the risk of fighting for your life on the battlefield, as an avid X-COM, Mordheim and other skirmish-combat type games, I can deliver you onto a battleground where a single mistake could mean doom for your party [I do not enjoy killing off players or making them suffer and/or struggle too much, unless that is what the team wants] I am 100% for creating and building the world with my players. For campaigns, I create world database using World Anvil where players can find details regarding the environment, biomes, cities, deities, important NPC and much more. You can read all about your adventures and how they did (or didn't) impact the world. You can take a look at such page in my currently ongoing campaign for Blades in the Dark (disclaimer - it's in polish ^^) For one-shots, I introduce the players into an existing world, which they still have the opportunity to change and shape it more to their, and their characters' liking. I'm open to most systems, and settings, as well as any type of adventure your party would like to live through. I do put the story first, however, so if you are looking at fights as mathematical problems to solve using dice and character sheets, you will be sorely disappointed in my games because I treat battles as just a tool for story telling, not the other way around.

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