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Tysja (he/they)

Less than a year on StartPlaying

About me

Hi, Tysja is my alias. I'm 30 years old, from Germany, and I've been playing DnD for 12 years and DMing for 8. I enjoy homebrewing worlds, as I grew up reading a lot of not-so-great early 2000s fantasy books (though I occasionally read some good ones and classics, but hey, you can't read 1,000 pages a month if you're sticking to Tolkien...). My current campaign world is influenced by the 30-Day Worldbuilding Challenge by Jorphdan (The PH is silent ;)), The Witcher, Critical Role (of course), and my obsession with digging through ancient tomes (aka the Forgotten Realms Fandom Wiki). I'd describe it as "High Fantasy turned Horror and Dystopia." I prefer short campaigns (I've developed some serious trust issues with schedules ^^), typically spanning 4-10 sessions. If any of this rambling caught your attention, feel free to reach out, and we'll see each other in session zero! ;) Note: Racism, sexism, homo-, trans-, and interphobia, or any type of discrimination are topics better left to the real world, and to groups that know each other well and have already discussed their feelings on those subjects.

GM Style

Roleplay, Creative combat

Game platforms used