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Sinestro117 (he/him)
Less than a year on StartPlaying
About me
Hello one and all! Please refer to me as Sinestro, or Sinny, or just your plain ole' DM / Dungeon Master / Game Master. I've been interested in returning to DMing, and as such, I thought i'd look to get my hands wet via this site. I'd like to run a few games, get a feel for the space as a whole, and i've been considering upgrading to Foundry sometime in the future. As a DM, i've always loved putting together loose narrative strings and allowing my players to tie them up in whatever order / method they prefer. From giving them the choice in all things that matter, as well as the little stuff, I hope to bring that extra sense of immersion to anyone who decides to sit at my virtual table! And, of course, incorporating your character's backstories and goals is just as important as any main plot I have going on, so bring it on! Let's tell stories together! Some of my hobbies include playing TTRPG's (duh), indulging in video games, and writing stories as a sort of tradition. I also have a certain fondness for video game adaptations in shows / movies, whether it be those Sonic movies, or my dearly beloved Arcane, anything's on the table when it comes to those things! It also helps that I tend to draw inspiration from those sources and incorporate them into my own home games.
GM Style
If I was to put my GM Style down to a paragraph, it'd be pretty simple. I love roleplaying, obviously, as this is a ROLEPLAYING game, and I also love "crunchy tactical combat", like in any well respected turn based strategy game. I like taking inspiration from games such as Fire Emblem, and implementing mechanics from popular MMO's like FFXIV and WoW. Of course, it all comes down to the players and what they want, after all, a happy and satisfied table will always end with a happy and satisfied Dungeon Master :D
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters
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