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Less than a year on StartPlaying

16 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

About me

Hello, my name is Belac [or Bel, either works], and I've been DMing for a few years now. Evidentially I did a good enough job with my Bleach DnD Campaign that they decided to pay me for it a while back. Recently I've started DMing at my local library once a month for payment as well, so with two groups saying it's worth paying for I figured why not try it here? I enjoy world building and lore based campaigns! I am very experienced with DnD 5e, Fairly Experienced with the Fantasy Flight Star Wars system, and a little chaotic game known as Goblin Errands.

GM Style

My players have described my DMing as both Story and Character focused, building multiple paths for my players to take and adapting as the campaign continues to what my players enjoy. I have a great joy for world building. I end each session with a summary of what each player enjoyed, didn't enjoy, and what they want to see more of to help make the campaign as enjoyable as possible for my players- and in custom settings I like to let my players add their own locations to the world. In DnD I greatly enjoy implementing the Heroic Chronicle with a few modifications, a have different homebrew books to shake up the repetitive nature. I make sure to have appropriate maps whenever needed, and visual references for NPCs and characters. Very LQBT+ friendly

Game platforms used
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