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Less than a year on StartPlaying

About me

Hello! I'm Tomivasek, a passionate Pathfinder enthusiast with years of experience delving into the rich world of Golarion. I've dedicated myself to crafting and refining adventure paths that offer players an immersive and unforgettable experience. At my table, you can expect a creative and safe environment where dynamic dungeons, vibrant soundscapes, engaging NPCs, and a blend of roleplay, exploration, and combat come together for an exciting adventure. Inclusivity and empathy are at the heart of my gaming philosophy. I believe in fostering a welcoming space where everyone can explore fantastical worlds, achieve extraordinary feats, and, most importantly, have fun together. My goal is to ensure that every player feels grounded in our shared story, with personal backstories and goals woven into the narrative. As a player, all you need is a sense of adventure and a willingness to dive into the limitless possibilities that Golarion offers. As your GameMaster, I bring deep system knowledge of Pathfinder 2e and expertise with Foundry VTT, ensuring our sessions run smoothly with minimal technical hiccups. I aim to make online play as intuitive and enjoyable as possible. Adventure awaits—let’s embark on it together!

GM Style

I thrive on blending role-play, tactical combat, and exploration, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for everyone. Pathfinder 2e's diverse subsystems allow me to craft a robust playstyle that can be tailored to fit any campaign, and I enjoy incorporating them when they enhance the thematic depth of the game. My goal is to maintain a cohesive narrative across all aspects of the adventure, ensuring a balanced session flow where players can typically expect a mix of role-play, combat, and exploration each time we meet. I also believe that the threat of character death is what makes your character feel truly alive. While I’m always rooting for the PCs and never aim for a total party kill, it’s essential to recognize that adventuring is a perilous pursuit, and not every encounter will be easily won. The danger adds weight to your decisions and makes the victories all the more rewarding.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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