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Lithras (he/him)

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hello! George here from Athens (Greece)! My RPG journey started in 1998 with Vampire: The Masquerade, which made me fall in love with the World of Darkness. As soon as I was introduced to Werewolf: The Apocalypse in 2002, I had "found my game". During these 2,5 decades I have been mostly "loyal" to cWoD and I have played nearly all of its game lines, but I also got to play: -Dungeons and Dragons (3.x and 5e) -Pathfinder 1e (for which I also GM and I am developing my own setting) -Call of Cthulhu -Titansgrave: Ashes of Valkana -Bladerunner -Cyberpunk RED -The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game -Dark Heresy For Werewolf, I have written my own "sourcebook" (set in Greece) and an accompanying story which I can't wait to share with all of you!

GM Style

I'm in for a complete, immersive experience. All character portraits and location shots have been overlayed with animation effects and I have composed several background music themes (I am a composer/musician). If the group is in Athens (Greece), then expect RGB lights, a projector and miniatures for your characters. I try to make every NPC and situation as unique as possible, in order to create bonds and memorable scenes. Moreover, I like the player characters to be in the spotlight and tied to the story. I dislike trivial combat, so every planned encounter is hard and lethal. I have a few houserules in place to speed things up when necessary and my mindset is that I won't let an unlucky dice roll ruin a character or the story (however, that doesn't mean that the characters can be careless or reckless without consequences). My story themes and moods vary. Imagine looking at Mordor from Minas Tirith, but there is no ring-bearer. The World of Darkness is a gloomy place, a dying planet with doom being imminent and that's my main "mood". This makes the last remaining unspoiled places and every moment or respite even more precious. All my games are R-rated. That's because combat violence can be pretty gory and also because of several psychological elements explored (eg. grief, loss). I abhor graphic violence for its own sake, torture or excessive violence that makes no sense and useless shock value, although it's the World of Darkness and the people in it can be very nasty monsters, indeed.

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