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Wolf G

Wolf G (he/him)



1 year on StartPlaying

202 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Sets the Mood

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

I have some hosting experience with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition as well as Dungeons and Dragons 5th and Pathfinder 2e. I am newer to 2e both as a player and a DM but i have fallen in love with the system. I am typically pretty fair to all my players and like everyone having a chance to shine. I enjoy seeing the stories unfold and all the little interactions. I am quite favorable towards heavy roleplay and prefer it alongside naturally some fun combat to go with it. As long as each player is responsible for their own actions and respect those around them, I am more than happy to DM for them. So more than anything, I want everyone to have a blast. I will however kick out those who cause player conflict on a regular basis without hesitation. Conflict in character is fine as long as everyone is good with it and understands potential consequences.

GM Style

I enjoy roleplay and do my best to give each npc at least a fairly unique voice if i can. I like to sit back and let the players roleplay all they like and give fun rolls as well as rewards to creative solutions. If you can think of it and it's reasonable, there is a roll for it. I enjoy combat and while I am not hardcore about it, I do like to provide at least a challenging or rewarding experience (both if I can).

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