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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hi! My name is Heather and I love playing and DMing D&D! I've been playing for around 5 years and DMing for 2 years. I love the collaborative aspect of the game, making a story with others, and helping new people feel welcome and confident as they learn the game.

GM Style

I love working with players to tell a collaborative story. I've spent a lot of time making sure players feel like their backatories make sense in the world's their lives are set in. World building is my favorite part of dnd, and I enjoy inviting players to take part in that through creation of their characters. I have run one pre-made module, and while it was fun, I realized that this is a key element of the game for me. I have 3 worlds that I've homebrewed, all in varying stages of completion (although let's be real, is the creating ever finished?) Character voices. I do 'em. I'm that person that won't realize they're parroting the Australian accent they heard in a MAFS clip until someone points it out. I love accents and languages and building them into the world. I value communication. I want players to feel heard and the heroes of their stories. As such, I don't tolerate any coercion between PCs and in most cases NPCs. I run games without sexual violence, and use safety tools to determine what players want out of a game and what is going to be a problem.

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