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Caitlin (she/her)

Women/Femme Identifying
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

I'm a mid-thirties nerd with a degree in game design and nearly two decades of experience as a GM for a variety of systems. I value collaborative storytelling and fun at the table over strict adherence to the rules. The Rule of Cool is very much a standard at my tables. I'm a big fan of indie, little-known, and older games, so you can expect some weird stuff to pop up in my listings from time to time alongside more standard options like D&D, Call of Cthulhu, and Monster of the Week. I'm also a big fan of one shot adventures. Sometimes you just want a little bite of a story instead of a months-long commitment. I currently work in the game design industry as part of a company that brings live action dungeon crawl experiences to gaming, animation, and multi-fandom conventions. We currently do four or five conventions a year, and I will have to take those into account when scheduling my games. Luckily, I usually know all the conventions I'll be doing well in advance and can plan accordingly. I am a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and as such my tables will always be a safe space. That being said, I don't have much of a filter and use certain swear words like commas.

GM Style

I like to go with the flow and work with the energy of the table. If my players are goofy and outgoing, the game might trend more towards social interactions and comedy. If I have a more somber party the storytelling might take a more dramatic turn. I like to run sessions where the players get so lost in what's happening that they're surprised to learn how much time has passed. Character work is the thing that really fascinates me. I want to create a world and then spend sessions seeing how the characters my players have created interact with that world and the happenings in it. If you've got something specific in your character's backstory that you'd like to see touched on in the game I would love to figure out how to weave it into the setting. It's not just about players collaborating with one another. I also want them to collaborate with me to build an experience we'll all enjoy.

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