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Joe (he/him)

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hi, my name is Joe. If you're seeking high adventure in a fun and immersive roleplaying game with an experienced and flexible GM, you've found it! I discovered D&D way back in 5th grade, circa 1982-83, when a classmate brought the classic, blue-covered Holmes basic rulebook to school one day and a bunch of us huddled around it as he explained the fundamentals of role-playing games. Soon after, I got my own basic set and started running The Keep on the Borderlands with my friends in my basement dungeon and now, forty years later, it's still my favorite pastime. Hunter Thompson said, "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro". The going certainly got weird the past few years for pretty much the whole world. I credit my weekly Sunday night D&D campaign for helping to keep my sanity throughout.

GM Style

I would describe my play style as relaxed and laid-back. I’m not one to do a ton of voices or super animated acting out of my NPCs, but I believe I’m a good storyteller who can weave a compelling narrative and I really enjoy the unfolding dialog of role-playing. I try to create NPCs who are memorable, that players care about, love them or hate them. I try to have a balanced mix of combat, exploration, and roleplay in my games. I also try to emphasize the collaborative storytelling element of roleplaying games and love to be surprised and adapt to player choices. Whether homebrew worlds, or published modules, I try to create a setting that gives players an open sandbox, with choices and decision making that matters. I enjoy teaching and mentoring new players as well as playing with old timers like me, all levels of experience are welcome at my table. I've been gaming online since before online gaming really became a thing. when no virtual tabletops existed. All we had was an internet connection, Skype or similar communication, a whiteboard tool, and our dice and imaginations. These days, I primarily use a combination of Roll20 for VTT, Discord for audio/video, with the option of D&D Beyond for the character sheet in D&D 5E games. I like to display and discuss maps and use tokens and dungeon maps primarily for combat and exploration, but I also try to avoid becoming too much like a video game and include a lot of "theater of the mind" role-playing in the mix.

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