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Brennan D

Brennan D (he/him)

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

I am a DM who has run two major campaigns and several mini-campaigns (roughly 7-10 sessions). I've been building a homebrew world for just over a year and would love to find a group to playtest the setting with a series of character establishing oneshots. My goal is for these characters to eventually be used in a campaign in the setting. The setting is a high intrigue, feudal medieval fantasy concerning themes of power, politics, religion, discovery and mystery. The lore for this setting is relatively extensive. For this reason I have public documents concerning general lore, deities, locations, etc that I would share with serious inquiries. As this would be an online game I'd be running combat on roll20 using maps I design on Inkarnate. Planning and session calls would ideally be over discord. If interested, or if you have any questions about the setting and my experience as a DM/player feel free to reach out on here, email me at [email protected] , or find me on discord beanan#7111

GM Style

As a DM nothing is more fulfilling than watching my players become really immersed in their characters and the setting. This usually leads to really amazing roleplay, my favorite aspect of the game. I know I've done my job when players are able to bounce off one another, improvise and create really nuanced and layered interactions as their characters. As for my own contribution to creating that euphoria I believe the NPCs I make are very complex and intriguing. I love to use a lot of variation in my NPCs' voices as well. When it comes to narration I try to paint very vivid pictures in my players' minds at the table. I love a campaign to be narratively driven, this does not mean everything is 100% serious and gritty all of the time, but players should come to the table with characters that they'd like to see develop and grow over time. I want players to make in-world decisions as their characters and really feel the stakes of the setting at play when doing so. When it comes to combat I utilize a battlemap making site called Inkarnate with lots of variety as I believe it is important for players to visualize their battlefield especially when it comes to the minute details and rules of TTRPG combat. I have put a lot of work into all of the settings I homebrew and want nothing more than to see how other peoples' stories unfold within the world.

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