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Shepard (he/him)



2 years on StartPlaying

86 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

About me

Hello I am Shepard. I am a game master based in Scotland. Outside of DND I play pick up basketball and bit of chess.

GM Style

I like a bit of everything really and I tend to tailor based on what players tell me they prefer. Generally I like try to RP and try to get into the world as it adds the the experience. I want it to kind of feel like a living breathing world when I can. I do a little HB but mostly use the may books set so nothing to out there. I really want to get in depth with my players also so i can personlise the experiences as you are the main characters. (whether you like it or not) but a good DND game is never quite so simple. So I would like to like to know a lot about you so when I get into session 0 I can kinda just start off on the right foot. I also like to try to balance personalities where I can so if you have a couple days that you think would work i'll try to slot you in where I can.

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