Cost Per Player
Old Dad (he/him)
2 years on StartPlaying
11 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Voices
Average response time: 21 hours
Response rate: 100%
About me
Hi I'm Old Dad. I've been playing and running tabletop games for the last decade and want to bring my talents as a Dungeon Master here. I want to tell a story, and believe that above all, my players are here to have fun. I'm here to make the math work for you (or against you mwahaha). That being said, I believe in the RULE OF COOL. You're here to have fun and connect with other folks who love TTRPGs and it's my job to make the most out of that. I especially love Dungeons and Dragons, Power Rangers TTRPG, and SW5e and would love to run a game on any of these systems. In life, I'm a dad and a huge fan of Pokemon, Star Wars, Marvel, ATLAB, and comic books. Every game will always be inclusive of all humans, if you can't abide, I wasn't the DM for you anyways. Always here for any questions!
GM Style
Role play is the heart of tabletop gaming, and I love it in my sessions. Do the voice, make the choice that your character would make instead of the choice you'd make, and lean into the weird. I can accommodate any story that needs to be told, but if you're looking for a pure battle-centric game, I may not be your best fit. Don't get me wrong... epic battles will be had, but I love a game that keeps you engaged and on the edge of your seat. Everyone's welcome, and leave your baggage at the door. We're playing elves and centaurs over here.
Game platforms used
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