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Cost Per Player

Nick Tyreman

Nick Tyreman (he/him)



3 years on StartPlaying

469 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Rule of Cool, Inclusive

About me

Hello everyone, my name’s Nick. I’m 26 years old, and I have about 6 total years of DM’ing experience. While I spend a lot of time crafting my own home-brew campaigns and perfecting my own homebrew world, I also run a lot of different published campaigns to make ends meet and because I absolutely love to do it. I charge 15$/session and the real reason I’m charging at all is so first off, people stay invested in the campaign, and second, so I can afford the pro subscription to roll20, new campaigns, and the many different source books that WoTC has put out throughout the years. AND as a way for you to feel out the game and see if you like the style with which I run things I am offering the character creation session for free! Hope to see you guys there!

GM Style

Hey all! In general I'm a pretty laid back DM who is definitely in it for the fun. I like to incorporate equal amounts of the three major parts of dnd. I will definitely promote roleplay by bringing the various NPC's the party will meet to life by thoroughly learning about the NPC's and where they all fit into the campaign at large. More than that I try to make sure combat is challenging enough that group composition and battle tactics matter, but not so challenging that every single fight is a struggle for life. And finally my personal favorite part about dnd in general, the exploration. Good exploration could turn a simple mission to go to the market and search for supplies into getting exposed to a secretive smuggling operation, or running into a gang of ruffians hustling a shopkeeper for 'protection money'.

Game platforms used
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