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1 year on StartPlaying

46 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Knows the Rules

About me

Hi! I'm Drake. I have been running Pathfinder and DND games for a little over 8 years now. I'm a total rules nerd so I've been homebrewing my games from the beginning. I like people who look at the rules like a set of guidelines to have fun and not a limitation. I want you to be the heroes or the villains of your story, but regardless, it's your story. If you want a brutal reality, I can do that too! I have a very strong understanding of the rules of the games I play so if you happen to be a beginner, let me worry about that side of things. You'll catch up...just have fun for now. In that same vein, I also like implementing rules into Foundry to create a smooth and exciting experience for players. Foundry can be a bit intimidating at first, but I'll be there to help you through that learning curve. Want to watch that Fireball explode over an area of your choice? Or have the program deal with damage calculations so you don't have to? That's all good. I love that stuff. If you're looking for a more Theater of the Mind type game, I'm probably not your guy. I love the ways that online tools add to the RPG experience and really make things come to life.

GM Style

I'm a GM that loves to put player characters into a living world of my design and watch them mess everything up! Anytime a player wants to take an action I hadn't considered, I grow to love the game more. It's the kind of experience you can't get anywhere else. I enjoy doing ridiculous and dramatic voices to add the experience, but above all else I am a tactics heavy kind of GM that doesn't pull punches. I want my players to feel like they earn every success they have.

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